
Mac folder with password
Mac folder with password

mac folder with password

If you’re looking for free software other than Easy File Locker, you can check out SecretFolder ( Free), which also works as advertised for the most part. Do note that both are paid apps, with a price tag of $39.95 in each case. There are several other folder-locking software available for Windows 10, like Folder Guard ( Free trial) and Folder Lock ( Free trial).

mac folder with password

Once you lock a folder or file, you can only unlock it by entering a chosen password. Then, choose between Access, Write, Delete and Visibility options, and click on ‘Start Protection’. All you need to do is set a password in Easy File Locker and select a file or folder. The software gives you options to hide a folder, make it inaccessible, deny any changes and make it undeletable as well. One of the best utilities to lock folders in Windows 10 is a freeware program called Easy File Locker. Third-Party Utilities: Easy File Locker, Folder Guard & More If it isn’t available on your computer, the ‘Encrypt contents to secure data’ option will be greyed out.ģ. Note: This feature is hardware-dependent and is not available on all devices. Once done, you will see a lock symbol over your folder’s icon. Then, click on ‘OK’ to apply the encryption attributes to the folder. In the General tab, click the ‘ Advanced‘ button and enable ‘ Encrypt content to secure data‘. Right-click on the target folder and select Properties.Once you encrypt a folder, it will only be accessible via your user account and password. This method won’t add password protection to a folder, but it will make sure other user accounts cannot access the folder. Windows 10 offers yet another native option to encrypt and secure your folders. You can also use a USB flash drive for additional protection. Once the encryption is in place, you will have to enter your chosen password following every restart to access that drive.

Mac folder with password